163 backend developer English-speaking jobs in Antwerp Province

Note: Some links might not work outside the European Union

  • Odoo
  • Mechelen
  • February 15

If you are passionate about development, then it is time to work on a great Open Source project where your work will count! Join our experienced team of Developers, and develop things people care about. Each employee has a chance to see the impact of his work and make a real contribution to the success of the company.

  • Odoo
  • Turnhout
  • February 8

If you are passionate about development, then it is time to work on a great Open Source project where your work will count! Join our experienced team of Developers, and develop things people care about. Each employee has a chance to see the impact of his work and make a real contribution to the success of the company.

  • Peleman Industries
  • Puurs
  • November 2

Peleman makes unforgettable experiences tangible in a reliable, respectful and creative way. Moments that mean something to your company, your customers, yourself and your family should get the attention they deserve. Make your business a personal story, make it tangible! Peleman is an internationally established value in the field of print experience , photo solutions and all-in-one services.